The Imuno Mix AR Game was developed in collaboration with WNutritional. This was part of my final graduation project at the Hanze University. In this project, the goal was to create a game in AR that entertained and educated young children in Brazil. As this was done in collaboration with WNutritional, the owners of the Imuno Mix Juice brand, the entire game is revolved around their juice boxes.
This was the first-ever AR project I have worked on and had to do it all by myself. Meaning that all the programming, art, and design were done entirely by myself. The app itself is built to run on Android devices only at the moment. The current state of the app includes 5 levels of the memory game about nutrition. However, it has been prepared to grow in the future for extra game modes and topics.
The game works by recognizing any of the 5 different juice boxes (each a different flavor). Once it recognizes the juice box using the Vuforia plug-in, the game will spawn the game cards in random spawn points around the juice box. The player can then tap each card to flip them until they find the matching pairs.
This game is due to be released around May/June 2022 on the Google Play Store.

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